ENROLLMENT For 2ND Semester STILL Going ON!!!
Late Enrollees Will Be Accepted Until February 29, 2024 to give chances to our students who are still saving for their tuition payments. Make-up classes/activities will be provided for all late enrollees.
We accept New & Returning Students for the Second Semester SY2022-2023 (Senior HS Grads, HS Grads Old Curriculum, College Transferees, Grade 10 Completers, ALS Passers, College Graduates, 2Yr College Graduates)
ICC Students have a choice between Face to Face, Online or Combined.
ICC’s Flexible Online Distance Learning System Will Be Available Permanently (Zoom Classes, Online Lectures thru the Teachable Learning Platform, Per Subject Group Chats For Support, Very Supportive Learning Environment, Friendly, Competent & Approachable Instructors)
Our Online Education systems uses the New York-based portal Teachable, we have been using Teachable since the pandemic & today we have online distance education students in almost all countries around the world (OFWs in the Middle East, Europe, North America, South America, Africa, Asia).
ICC ONLINE ENROLLMENT is Open 24/7 (24hrs a day, 7days a week). Payment Accepted thru GCASH or Online Bank Transfers or thru Other Online Payments. VISIT our Website & ENROLL NOW: imuscomputercollege.net.ph